How to get all Logs from Kubernetes Cluster?
Troubleshooting on Kubernetes can quickly turn into a nightmare if there are multiple moving parts in your applications. Running a multi layer application on Kubernetes is complex and troubleshooting or diagnosing for issues on live logs in a live system can quickly become difficult.
So, wouldn’t it be a great idea to get a download of all logs from your Kubernetes cluster and then troubleshoot? I feel it will be great if we think of the following cases:
- You are stuck while troubleshooting an issue and you need someone else to have a look at logs for help. So easy sharing!!
- Diagnosing logs on your bash/powershell/cmdline can be very tedious and difficult task. So having a download or dump locally can make search fast and easy.
So, inspired Thomas who works at Microsoft, I decided to write down a powershell script for this purpose. The script automates the following tasks:
- Get all pod logs (current and previous)
Current -> logs from current pod
Previous -> logs of pod from previous runs. This will show you the logs of the last run of the pod before it crashed. It is a handy feature in case you want to figure out why the pod crashed in the first place. - Describe all pods
- Get all events in the Cluster
The script get all the above logs and places them at a particular location on your machine/server.
The script can be found in this GitHub repo.
$date = $date.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd")
$output_Namespace_Directory="pod_logs_$(kubectl config current-context)_$date"
$describe_Directory= "${output_Directory}/describe"
$podlogs_Directory= "${output_Directory}/podlogs"
$eventlogs_Directory= "${output_Directory}/eventlogs"
echo "Using output dir $output_Directory"
mkdir "$output_Directory"
mkdir "$describe_Directory"
mkdir "$podlogs_Directory"
mkdir "$eventlogs_Directory"
[pscustomobject]$hashtable = kubectl get po -A --no-headers
$hashtable | ForEach-Object {
$count = 0
$_.ToString().Split(" ") | foreach {
$Value1 = $_
if ($Value1 -ne "") {
$count = $count + 1
if ($count -eq 1) {
if ($count -eq 2) {
Write-Host $namespace "contains" $podname
$filename = "${describe_Directory}/${namespace}.${podname}.describe"
kubectl describe pod -n "$namespace" "$podname" > "$filename"
foreach($container in (kubectl get po -n "$namespace" "$podname" -o jsonpath="{.spec.containers[*].name}")) {
$filename = $filename_Prefix + ".current." + $extension
kubectl logs -n "$namespace" "$podname" "$container" > "$filename"
echo "$filename"
$filename = $filename_Prefix + ".previous." + $extension
kubectl logs -p -n "$namespace" "$podname" "$container" > "$filename"
echo "$filename"
# Dump all events
kubectl get events -A > "$filename"
Now lets see the script in action!
I hope you find this helpful and this allows you to troubleshoot and diagnosing your issues faster and easier.